Bylaws (docx 143 KB) Constitution (docx 144 KB) Code of Conduct (docx 61 KB)
Tyalla Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)
Tyalla has a very active Parents and Citizen Association, which supports our school in many diverse ways. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month (during school term), commencing at 6:00pm in the school staffroom.
All members of our school community are urged to attend these meetings. Meeting agenda includes reports from the Principal, the school canteen, fund-raising committee, District Council of the P&C Association and general business where parents have a chance to put forward their views.
The P&C is an extremely important forum for parent discussions. The annual general meeting of the P&C Association is held in February of each year. Anyone who would like more information may contact a member of the committee – phone numbers are available from the school office or from the front page of the weekly School Bulletin. We look forward to seeing you at the next P&C meeting.
To view the dates of all our upcoming P&C meetings please go to the home page and scroll through the calendar.
Parent Helpers
No school could operate effectively without parent helpers. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and neighbours carry out many and varied duties.
We always need helpers in the following areas:
Canteen, library, school banking, reading groups, laundering sick bay linen, excursions, class activities and working bees.
A sign on book is kept at the office for all volunteers to sign. Please ensure you sign this book on entering the school.